• Burnout? 
    • Taking on too much? 
    • Struggle with saying no? 
    • Need to develop your team?
    • Want to get some time back so you can be more strategic?

    These are just some of the issues I hear daily from my clients. 

    Here's the truth. 

    Effective leaders know how to delegate. 

    But what's more important - they understand why delegation matters. 

    Yes, it's about getting time back and saving your sanity, but more importantly, it's about the development and empowerment of others. 

    It's also a massive career derailer if you can't learn to do it effectively. 

    Like I always say, if you don't have someone to fill your shoes, you're not promotable. 

    So what is delegating? What's the best way to do it? How can it go wrong? 

    Read on. 

    Delegating is development. It's about allocating work to the right people. It's about responsibility, ownership, excellent decision making, and a tool to embed accountability and give people a path of professional development when done right. 

    I hear lots of excuses as to why leaders don't delegate. 

    Here's the top 10 list of excuses 

    1. I can do it faster. 
    2. I like to do it. 
    3. They will mess it up. 
    4. I don't have time.
    5. I don't have authority. 
    6. I don't have someone to delegate to. 
    7. Everyone is already busy. 
    8. It's my job. 
    9. It will take too long to show them. 
    10. They don't want to do it. 

    From room to room, company to company, I always hear the same list. This is more to do with us and our beliefs around delegation then our ability to delegate. 

    We are the big obstacle standing in our own way. 

    So here's the deal, the delegation has to go beyond simply assigning a task. It has to be done thoughtfully, with the right balance of direction from the leader. 

    Here are some tips to consider before you delegate: 

    1. What's the end in mind? What will it look like when it's complete? How will you judge if it's completed?
    2. What's the importance of the task? How important is this assigned task to the team? How important is this assigned task to the company?
    3. Are you delegating authority appropriately? What key decisions will need to be made during the project? Will the person or team have the authority to make critical decisions?
    4. To whom should you delegate the work? Who has the skills to complete this work? Who has the motivation? Is there anyone who might be interested in the work that you haven't considered before? What are the benefits to the person completing this delegated task?
    5. What's the method of sharing work? Will you have a meeting to generate ideas or to define the task further with the person? What is the delegation process? Have clear expectations been given?
    6. How will you assess the results of the tasks you've delegated? How will you give feedback along the way? How will you ensure that the criteria are clear for what success looks like?

    When you think delegation, think ownership, think responsibility, think professional development growth.

    Have you ever considered working with a coach to help you work through some of your blind spots? I happen to know a good one 😉

    Book a call, and let's talk about your goals, where you might be stuck and how a coaching partnership might be the right move for you.